Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sentirse Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples

The verb sentirse is a reflexive verb that means to feel. It is used to talk about how someone feels psychologically or physically. For example, Me siento feliz (I feel happy) or Nos sentimos cansados (We feel tired). This verb can also be used as a non-reflexive verb, sentir, in which case it can have several different meanings. It can mean to feel or sense something, and sometimes it can even mean to taste or hear something. For example, Siento el viento en mi cara (I feel the wind on my face) or Siento sabor a chocolate en la bebida (I taste chocolate flavor in the beverage). Sentir can also mean to be sorry, as in the common expression lo siento (Im sorry) or Siento que hayamos llegado tarde (Im sorry that we arrived late). Sentirse Conjugation Since sentirse is most often used in its reflexive form, this article includes sentirse conjugations including the reflexive pronouns in the indicative mood (present, past, conditional, and future), the subjunctive mood (present and past), the imperative mood, and other verb forms. Notice that sentirse is a stem-changing verb. This means that in some conjugations, when the vowel of the stem is in a stressed syllable, the e changes to ie and sometimes i. For example, the present tense first person singular conjugation is me siento, and the preterite third person conjugation singular conjugation is se sintià ³. When conjugating sentirse, make sure to avoid confusion with the verb sentarse (to sit down), which has a very similar conjugation. Present Indicative When conjugating a reflexive verb, you must always include the reflexive pronoun before each conjugated verb. In the present tense, the stem change e to ie occurs in all the conjugations except nosotros and vosotros. Yo me siento Yo me siento feliz con mi familia. I feel happy with my family. Tà º te sientes Tà º te sientes cansada al final del dà ­a. You feel tired at the end of the day. Usted/à ©l/ella se siente Ella se siente triste por la mala noticia. She feels sad because of the bad news. Nosotros nos sentimos Nosotros nos sentimos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. We feel excited about the team's victory. Vosotros os sentà ­s Vosotros os sentà ­s enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. You feel sick after eating too much. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se sienten Ellos se sienten relajados en la playa. They feel relaxed at the beach. Preterite Indicative You can use the preterite tense to describe completed actions in the past. In the preterite, there is a stem change e to i only for the third person singular and plural conjugations. Yo me sentà ­ Yo me sentà ­ feliz con mi familia. I felt happy with my family. Tà º te sentiste Tà º te sentiste cansada al final del dà ­a. You felt tired at the end of the day. Usted/à ©l/ella se sintià ³ Ella se sintià ³ triste por la mala noticia. She felt sad because of the bad news. Nosotros nos sentimos Nosotros nos sentimos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. We felt excited about the team's victory. Vosotros os sentisteis Vosotros os sentisteis enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. You felt sick after eating too much. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se sintieron Ellos se sintieron relajados en la playa. They felt relaxed at the beach. Imperfect Indicative You can use the imperfect tense to describe actions in the past that were ongoing or repeated. It can be translated as was feeling or used to feel. There are no stem changes in the imperfect. Yo me sentà ­a Yo me sentà ­a feliz con mi familia. I used to feel happy with my family. Tà º te sentà ­as Tà º te sentà ­as cansada al final del dà ­a. You used to feel tired at the end of the day. Usted/à ©l/ella se sentà ­a Ella se sentà ­a triste por la mala noticia. She used to feel sad because of the bad news. Nosotros nos sentà ­amos Nosotros nos sentà ­amos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. We used to feel excited about the team's victory. Vosotros os sentà ­ais Vosotros os sentà ­ais enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. You used to feel sick after eating too much. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se sentà ­an Ellos se sentà ­an relajados en la playa. They used to feel relaxed at the beach. Future Indicative The future tense is conjugated with the infinitive form and the future tense endings (à ©, à ¡s, à ¡, emos, à ©is, à ¡n). There are no stem changes in the future tense, since the base for this conjugation is the complete infinitive, sentir. Yo me sentirà © Yo me sentirà © feliz con mi familia. I will feel happy with my family. Tà º te sentirà ¡s Tà º te sentirà ¡s cansada al final del dà ­a. You will feel tired at the end of the day. Usted/à ©l/ella se sentirà ¡ Ella se sentirà ¡triste por la mala noticia. She will feel sad because of the bad news. Nosotros nos sentiremos Nosotros nos sentiremos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. We will feel excited about the team's victory. Vosotros os sentirà ©is Vosotros os sentirà ©is enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. You will feel sick after eating too much. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se sentirà ¡n Ellos se sentirà ¡n relajados en la playa. They will feel relaxed at the beach. Periphrastic  Future Indicative   The periphrastic future tense consists of three components, the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive sentir. The reflexive pronoun should be placed before the conjugated verb ir (to go). Yo me voy a sentir Yo me voy a sentir feliz con mi familia. I am going to feel happy with my family. Tà º te vas a sentir Tà º te vasa sentir cansada al final del dà ­a. You aregoing to feel tired at the end of the day. Usted/à ©l/ella se va a sentir Ella se vaa sentir triste por la mala noticia. She isgoing to feel sad because of the bad news. Nosotros nos vamos a sentir Nosotros nos vamosa sentir emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. We aregoing to feel excited about the team's victory. Vosotros os vais a sentir Vosotros os vaisa sentir enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. You aregoing to feel sick after eating too much. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se van a sentir Ellos se vana sentir relajados en la playa. They aregoing to feel relaxed at the beach. Present Progressive/Gerund Form The gerund or present participle can be used as an adverb or to form progressive tenses like the present progressive. For reflexive verbs in progressive tenses there are two options for placing the reflexive pronoun: before the conjugated auxiliary verb estar, or attached to the end of the present participle. Notice that the gerund for sentir has the stem change e to i. Present Progressive ofSentirse se està ¡ sintiendo / està ¡ sintià ©ndose Ella se està ¡ sintiendo triste por la mala noticia. She is feeling sad because of the bad news. Past Participle The past participle can be used in perfect tenses like the present perfect. Note that the reflexive pronoun has to go before the conjugated auxiliary verb haber. Present Perfect of Sentirse se ha sentido Ella se ha sentido triste por la mala noticia. She has felt sad because of the bad news. Conditional Indicative The conditional tense is usually translated as would verb. Yo me sentirà ­a Yo me sentirà ­a feliz con mi familia si nos llevà ¡ramos bien. I would feel happy with my family if we got along. Tà º te sentirà ­as Tà º te sentirà ­as cansada al final del dà ­a si hicieras ejercicio. You would feel tired at the end of the day if you worked out. Usted/à ©l/ella se sentirà ­a Ella se sentirà ­atriste por la mala noticia, pero no tiene sentimientos. She would feel sad because of the bad news, but she has no feelings. Nosotros nos sentirà ­amos Nosotros nos sentirà ­amos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo si ganà ¡ramos. We would feel excited about the team's victory if we won. Vosotros os sentirà ­ais Vosotros os sentirà ­ais enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho, pero comisteis comida liviana. You would feel sick after eating too much, but you ate light food. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se sentirà ­an Ellos se sentirà ­an relajados en la playa si pudieran descansar. They would feel relaxed at the beach if they could rest. Present Subjunctive Notice that in the present subjunctive all the conjugations have a stem change. However, the nosotros and vosotros conjugations only change from e to i, while the rest change from e to ie. Que yo me sienta Mi padre espera que yo me sienta feliz con mi familia. My father hopes that I feel happy with my family. Que tà º te sientas El jefe espera que que tà º no te sientas cansada al final del dà ­a. The boss hopes that you do not feel tired at the end of the day. Que usted/à ©l/ella sesienta Eric espera que ella no se sienta triste por la mala noticia. Eric hopes that she doesn't feel sad because of the bad news. Que nosotros nos sintamos El entrenador sugiere que nosotros nos sintamos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. The coach suggests that we feel excited about the team's victory. Que vosotros os sintà ¡is Laura espera que vosotros no os sintà ¡is enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. Laura hopes that you don't feel sick after eating too much. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas sesientan David recomienda que ellas se sientan relajadas en la playa. David recommends that they feel relaxed at the beach. Imperfect Subjunctive You can conjugate the imperfect subjunctive in two different ways; both forms require the stem change e to i. Option 1 Que yo me sintiera Mi padre esperaba que yo me sintiera feliz con mi familia. My father hoped that I would feel happy with my family. Que tà º te sintieras El jefe esperaba que tà º no te sintieras cansada al final del dà ­a. The boss hoped that you did not feel tired at the end of the day. Que usted/à ©l/ella sesintiera Eric esperaba que ella no se sintiera triste por la mala noticia. Eric hoped that she didn't feel sad because of the bad news. Que nosotros nos sintià ©ramos El entrenador sugerà ­a que nosotros nos sintià ©ramos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. The coach suggested that we feel excited about the team's victory. Que vosotros os sintierais Laura esperaba que vosotros no os sintierais enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. Laura hoped that you didn't feel sick after eating too much. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas sesintieran David recomendaba que ellas se sintieran relajadas en la playa. David recommended that they feel relaxed at the beach. Option 2ï » ¿ Que yo me sintiese Mi padre esperaba que yo me sintiese feliz con mi familia. My father hoped that I would feel happy with my family. Que tà º te sintieses El jefe esperaba que que tà º no te sintieses cansada al final del dà ­a. The boss hoped that you did not feel tired at the end of the day. Que usted/à ©l/ella sesintiese Eric esperaba que ella no se sintiese triste por la mala noticia. Eric hoped that she didn't feel sad because of the bad news. Que nosotros nos sintià ©semos El entrenador sugerà ­a que nosotros nos sintià ©semos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. The coach suggested that we feel excited about the team's victory. Que vosotros os sintieseis Laura esperaba que vosotros no os sintieseis enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. Laura hoped that you didn't feel sick after eating too much. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas sesintiesen David recomendaba que ellas se sintiesen relajadas en la playa. David recommended that they feel relaxed at the beach. Sentirse Imperative To give direct orders or commands you can use the imperative mood. For reflexive verbs you must be careful where the pronoun is placed: in positive commands, it goes after the verb, while in negative commands, it goes before the verb. Positive Commands Tà º sià ©ntete  ¡Sià ©ntete cansado al final del dà ­a! Feel tired at the end of the day! Usted sià ©ntase  ¡Sià ©ntase triste por la mala noticia! Feel sad because of the bad news! Nosotros sintà ¡monos  ¡Sintà ¡monos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo! Let's feel excited about the team's victory! Vosotros sentidos  ¡Sentidos enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho! Feel sick after eating too much! Ustedes sià ©ntanse  ¡Sià ©ntanse relajados en la playa! Feel relaxed at the beach! Negative Commands Tà º no te sientas  ¡No te sientas cansado al final del dà ­a! Don't feel tired at the end of the day! Usted no se sienta  ¡No se sienta triste por la mala noticia! Don't feel sad because of the bad news! Nosotros no nos sintamos  ¡No nos sintamos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo! Let's not feel excited about the team's victory! Vosotros no os sintà ¡is  ¡No os sintà ¡is enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho! Don't feel sick after eating too much! Ustedes no se sientan  ¡No se sientan relajados en la playa! Don't feel relaxed at the beach!

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