Thursday, September 3, 2020

Marketing 2500 24 hours Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Showcasing 2500 24 hours - Essay Example The paper talks about interest gracefully, expected deals and piece of the pie examination, investigation of market passage mode, and procedures and assessed financial plan. All the investigation has base on broad writing, contextual investigations, hypothetical modes and deals tables and bends. The statics results reflect well and vehicle advertisers from numerous organizations both nearby and outside are having a favorable position. Most enormous car enterprises are right now either putting much in China or growing new little vehicle models favored by most families in China. Organizations such Toyota, Ford Motor, Honda, General Motors are by and by putting resources into China through joint endeavors with the Chinese partners adequately along these lines expanding piece of the pie rivalry. Not at all like the enormous universal car ventures, China’s one is divided. Most vehicles are little ones with the enormous organizations delivering up to 37% of the all out yield. Be tha t as it may, China’s current expense of work is fundamentally low and the legislature has alluded to the circumstance as a column industry one with high development potential. The vehicle business in China keeps on being alluring on the grounds that the taxes decrease in the business expects to proceed with an excess of lower in the following hardly any years. The legislature additionally plans to put vehicle import portions. Value decline in China is causing numerous other auto organizations to diminish their costs thusly. In the following barely any years, organizations in China are to confront an over creation of up to 20% of vehicles. China has desire to have in excess of 140 million vehicles on its streets; this is considerably more than the present thus driving the administration to improve the vehicle foundation and administrations. Foundation The processing plant started a s a truck building plant delivering their first Jie Fang CA-10 out of 1956 by the help of Russia n Soviet Union. The organization started its activities with just 39 representatives who went to Stalin Truck Factory to get their learning experience and guidelines on the most proficient method to manufacture and develop trucks. The organization is situated at Changchun a city that was recognized by the Soviet Union as the base of the production line. The city is likewise arranged on the northern side of china, which is additionally close to Russia. The organization proceeded with its tasks by additionally delivering traveler vehicles in 1958. The organization produces extravagance vehicles that have picked up ubiquity in the nation. Because of a great deal of discontinuity, the organization has gone into adventures with different organizations, for example, Volkswagen. The organization has additionally moved to get Tianjin Automotive Xiali in September 2002. In 2009, the organization entered a joint endeavor with Toyota and General Motors organizations (Hu, 2006). China’s advancement concerning car is high for example late measurements indicated that each 1000 Chinese possessed a normal of 1.5 vehicle units that is over the worldwide normal. Other legislative insights likewise indicated that practically 32% of the Chinese urban populace expects to buy vehicles in the following 5 years. Presentation The vehicle business that is a significant division in China’s modernization and industrialization tries has been becoming exceptionally quick since the 1990s. In the present past years, China has become the world’s most noteworthy car makers, with yearly creation yield of 18 million units in 2011. It is additionally as of now the biggest car showcase in the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Physics Behind the Dambuster’s Bouncing Bomb

Material science Behind the Dambuster’s Bouncing Bomb Brookie Trant Presentation The Dambuster Raid and the skipping bomb assumed a key job in WW2. The point was to upset mechanical profitability of Germany. The Raid was additionally an all around pitched example of overcoming adversity when Britain was extended to limit during the war. The bomb was utilized to wreck the Mohne and the Edersee Dams and flood the Ruhr Valley, in this manner annihilating an enormous extent of the Germans producing power; in this way having the ideal thump on impacts for the German war exertion. The bomb was at first brought about by Dr Barnes Wallis in April 1942 of every a paper he composed called ‘spherical bomb †surface torpedo’[1]. The idea was then taken up via Air Chief Marshal the Hon Sir Ralph Cochrane of the Royal Air Force a solid supporter of exactness bombarding. Likewise critical to carrying the idea to fulfillment was Air Marshal Arthur Harris leader of Bomber Command. Through these powerful leaders Wallis’ thought was brought to an advisory group and it given the thumbs up. Wallis confronted a scope of down to earth issues, for example, the size-to-weight proportion of the bomb with the capacity of the airplane to genuinely lift and convey it; how much reverse-pivot was should have been granted to the bomb with the goal for it to have a controlled and precise flight; speed of flight; range from which to drop it and the speed of the airplane at purpose of conveyance. Every one of these variables should have been comprehended and defeated all together that the bomb could be conveyed to the ideal point on the dam divider and afterward exploded. In responding to this inquiry this investigation will think about four key factors: the weapon plan, the conveyance of the weapon, the explosion and how these had an extraordinary enough effect to obliterate the dam. It is helpful now to qualify the meaning of the ricocheting bomb. The utilization of ricocheting to portray the Operation Chastise bomb is free. The material science of bobbing by definition requires a degree of flexibility which as the item hits a strong, a liquid or a powder brings about a perpetual or non-lasting change in the articles structure (versatility). This doesn’t happen with the ‘bouncing’ bomb. It is smarter to characterize the Chastise Bomb as ricocheting yet with the end goal of this examination the expression bobbing bomb will be used[2]. Weapon Design This was the place the bomb began. A key zone which should have been tended to was the state of the bomb. This had a significant job in giving a solid and effective bomb. This segment clarifies the thinking behind the round and hollow shape and how this influenced the bombs conveyance. The state of the bomb was a key issue. Wallis’ beginning preliminaries utilized circular models, so indistinguishable contact with the water would be made all through its flight; anyway the skips were frequently excessively erratic because of discharge and water surface conditions. In this way, to accomplish more prominent soundness Wallis tried different things with a round and hollow bomb. This invalidated the eccentrics yet didn't balance out the issues of direction and keeping it level. He understood that by utilizing reverse-pivot these issues could be survived. Reverse-pivot was likewise a key perspective in the conveyance of the weapon to the explosion point. This essential perspective will be additionally examined in this investigation in the conveyance technique segment. Once at the purpose of explosion the bomb was required to detonate submerged. On blast a stun wave would be made, enough to destabilize the dam divider. The heaviness of water would then give the break. Wallis began with attempting to locate the right estimations for the measure of touchy expected to breech the dam. He utilized a model on a size of 1/17 of the genuine article. He at that point utilized 100g of gelignite 1.2m away from the divider giving a similar impact as a 10 ton bomb 60m away from the dam. This had no impact. He proceeded with his preliminaries until he accomplished 150g of hazardous 0.3m away from the dam, which implied that he needed to utilize 13 tons of dangerous 15m away from the dam. At the point when downsized up, this would require 18 tons of packaging which would give a 31 ton bomb to coordinate the impact required. This was a fundamentally bigger bomb that could be dropped by the airplane to be utilized. Plainly he would need to locate an alternate strat egy. He decreased the mass to 4.3 tons and would utilize numerous bombs to breech the dam[3]. The last elements of the bomb were 60 inches in length and 50 inches wide[4]. This is generally 1.52m long and 1.27m in width, with a last weight of 9,250[5]. See figure 1. Conveyance Method His next issue was working out speed of the bombs, how far over the surface they should have been dropped, the good ways from the dam and the most ideal approach to control the skips of the bomb. His first preliminaries were led in quite a while garden at home. He terminated marbles over a pail of water to see whether it would ricochet off the surface. It worked and he could control the skip by modifying the sling. He currently expected to find on the off chance that he could control the bomb when it was utilizing various skips. For this he required a marginally bigger device and utilized a gigantic boat tank at Teddington. Beginning with a round bomb, he tried distinctive size-to-weight proportions and by utilizing reverse-pivot he could control the ricochets. This additionally helped the bomb to soak in an anticipated way when it arrived at the divider. Here he had achievement, anyway Wallis found the trip of the bomb was frequently eccentric. He found in the event that he expanded the mass essentially it turned out to be progressively steady anyway for reasons previously expressed a bigger bomb was unrealistic. Wallis had understood that soundness could be accomplished by utilizing a round and hollow packaging and granting reverse-pivot. This would keep the barrel on its hub and prevent it from tilting and in this manner follow its right direction. Much like a child’s turning top toy, the more reverse-pivot you gave the bomb the harder it is thump it off its hub, this is precise energy (this is clarified in the section beneath). He tried the thought in the tank evaluating the various transformations. He likewise found that by differing the size-to-weight proportion of the chambers he could keep a 5 ton barrel level on the water and afterward get it to turn down the dam once it hit the water[6]. Additionally by quickly turning the gadget in reverse this would neutralize the forward speed of the airplane. Wallis determined what number of bobs would be required before arriving at the dam. This computation expected to incorporate the drop good ways from the dam, the height of the airplan e and its forward speed. Critically with each ricochet the bomb would ease back because of the consistency of the water and the drag impact that it had. Utilizing this condition Wallis had the option to compute the speed of the turn to guarantee that the bomb had eased back down to just about zero speed when it came to the dam[7]. He estimated that the chamber would should be going at 450 to 500 cycles for each minute2 so as to accomplish this impact. Rakish energy has a similar job as straight force however in revolution. The condition for rakish force is. The condition for direct force is â€Å"†. In the condition for rakish energy the ‘I’ replaces the ‘m’ and the ‘ï‰â€™ replaces the ‘v’. The ‘I’ is the snapshot of latency which is an articles hesitance to change its condition of rotational motion[8]. The condition for the snapshot of inactivity changes with the various shapes it is following up on. For a chamber the snapshot of dormancy is. This implied by expanding the mass and the range the snapshot of latency will build making it increasingly steady. Anyway Wallis was confined by the size of the planes and their capacity to convey an overwhelming bomb. So he utilized the biggest breadth as could reasonably be expected and afterward put most of the heaviness of the bomb as near the edge of the chamber as could be expected under the circumstances. Along t hese lines it would have a similar impact as a flywheel giving the barrel loads of force. The ‘ï‰â€™ is the rakish speed which is the means by which snappy the chamber is turning its unit is rad s-1. The condition for ω is which appears as you increment the recurrence then the ω will increment by a significant sum. At the point when you put the snapshot of latency and precise speed together you get the rakish energy of a pivoting object. It likewise gives you that by expanding the rakish speed makes it significantly more hard to thump the barrel off its hub. Returning to the turning top the quicker you turn it the more troublesome it becomes to thump it over. This is the thing that gave the ricocheting bomb a spotless flight and ensured that it stayed on course and didn’t tilt off its pivot. The reverse-pivot had an optional impact. By dropping the bomb without reverse-pivot the gadget would normally get a turning impact through the even hub the other way; the net aftereffect of this would be that the bomb would not slow in a uniform or unsurprising way and thusly likely jump out over the dam as opposed to backing and dropping off within face. Forward turning the bomb would have a comparative impact to that accomplished by a bike wheel being moved at a control. It needs to keep going[9]. There is a third impact accomplished by granting reverse-pivot. This is the key relationship that Wallis would have known about and used to ascertain speed, tallness and turning impact. This impact is the Kuttas Lift Theorem or the Kuttaâ€Joukowski Theorem. Created by German Martin Wihelm Kutta and Russian Nikolai Zhukovsky (Joukowski), in the mid twentieth century, the hypothesis exhibits the streamlined connection between lift, speed of a pivoting chamber and thickness of the substance it is traveling through (air or fluid)[10]. This hypothesis now and then known as the Magnus impact when applied to the states of the Dam Buster assault permitted the bomb to ‘crawl’ down the essence of the dam divider. The water encompassing the chamber related to the back turn caused striking hydrodynamic fo

Friday, August 21, 2020

Effects of Unethical Behavior free essay sample

There are a few circumstances that can dishonest practices and practices. In 2002 the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was made law to stop unscrupulous circumstances that where occurred in numerous organizations, huge or little when an organization practice dishonest practices, there can be heaps of harm to the organization. In numerous examples law has, best case scenario prompted a culture of consistence instead of a culture of trustworthiness. Considerably all the more frustrating is that over and over again the very exercises Sarbanes Oxley was intended to forestall organizations to slip past controllers until it is past the point of no return and the harm acquired (Hazels, B. (2010). The best case of an untrustworthy bookkeeping circumstance is the point at which an organization adulterates their procuring reports to cause the organization to have all the earmarks of being progressively beneficial. This is an away from of bookkeeping misrepresentation and is a bogus report given to the investors, a genuine falsehood. The rundown continues endlessly about organizations that disregard monetary reports and end up in jail. We will compose a custom article test on Impacts of Unethical Behavior or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Many contend that the usage and progressing prerequisites of Sarbanes Oxley and different laws are expensive, tedious, and so far insufficient. Late proof proposes that for certain associations these prerequisites and the related disciplines are not an adequate obstacle. In numerous examples law has, best case scenario prompted a culture of consistence instead of a culture of honesty. Considerably all the more disillusioning is that over and over again the very exercises Sarbanes Oxley was intended to forestall keep on slipping past controllers until it is past the point of no return and the harm caused (Hazels, B. (2010). In the wake of learning about the achievement pace of the SOX, apparently the triumphs are far and few particularly for the informants. The arrangements of SOX should make it simpler and less unsafe for representatives to report awful corporate conduct by shielding workers from counter. However, barely any, objections recorded to date by informants that have confronted claimed counter have brought about successes. To some extent, this is expected to the exorbitant and exhausting legitimate assignment of beginning a grumbling with the Department of Labor. Organizations are additionally required by SOX segment 806 to document inside 90 days of the infringement (Bannon, S; Ford, K; Meltzer, L, Jul 2010). Investigate these statics and offer your input if the principles SOX are working. Representatives detailed an expansion in the moral culture of their working environment, from 53% in 2007 to 62% in 2009. Proportions of moral culture incorporate moral authority, responsibility, and qualities. In the 2009 review, 49% of representatives watched unfortunate behavior, contrasted with 56% in 2007. In the consequence of Enron and the website bubble, there was additionally a noteworthy decrease in this estimation, from 55% in 2000 to 46% in 2003.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Mental Health Through Forgiveness - Free Essay Example

Forgiveness is an integral part of our life. It basically subsumes forgiving self and forgiving others. Forgiveness is important to move on from any situation. As a cognitive, emotional, and behavioral response to interpersonal conflict, forgiveness generally refers to exonerating another person of blame or giving up claims on another of debt, loan, obligation, or other claims, which is different from condoning, excusing, forgetting, pardoning, and reconciliation (Eaton Struthers, 2006). Generally, the offended individuals can use forgiveness as an effective coping strategy to promote their happiness and well-being (Worthington Scherer, 2004). Forgiveness is a response to harm or injustice who has been treated unjustly and decides to reduce anger and hostility, work hard to provide benevolence towards the offender (Exline, Worthington, Hill, McCullough, 2003; Toussaint Friedman, 2009; Wade Worthington, 2005). It usually incorporates a decrease in negative affect, emotions, cognitions, motivations, and behavior toward the offender (Rye Pargament, 2002). Various areas of the brain are activated during forgiveness response. Farrow et al. (2001) used functional MRI to detect brain regions engaged by judging others emotional states and the forgivability of their crimes. Ten volunteers were involved. They read and make judgments based on social scenarios and a high-level baseline task (social reasoning). Both empathic and forgivability judgments activated left superior frontal gyrus, orbitofrontal gyrus, and precuneus. in addition, Empathic judgments also activated left anterior middle temporal and left inferior frontal gyri, while forgivability judgments activated posterior cingulate gyrus. According to Erikson (1993), a human has eight different development stages. In each stage, there are various conflicts and psychological problems that one needs to resolve. Successful resolution of these conflicts leads to better well-being. However, one needs to have a higher tolerance, compromise and acceptance ability which means letting go of the situation and forgiving self and others (Slater, 2003). Although forgiveness increases with age, the changes in a different aspect of forgiveness might not be the same. For instance, a study by Charzy?„ska and Heszen (2013) reported a positive correlation between age and the capacity to forgive. There were significant associations between age and forgiveness of others, the feeling of being forgiven by God, and a general tendency to forgive, but not with self-forgiveness. In contrast to this, a study showed that there was an association between age and negative strategy of forgiveness which included revenge and avoidance rather tha n a positive strategy which means benevolence (Ghaemmaghami, Allemand, and Martin., 2011). Giving forgiveness can differ according to age. A study conducted by few researchers examined age-related differences and similarities in forgiveness seeking. Students from third, seventh, and 12th grade were involved and they were made to imagine themselves committing various transgressions and the characteristics of this transgression, which included the severity of the consequences and type of offense, were manipulated. Across the age groups, forgiveness-seeking was followed by guilt, whereas withdrawal was followed by shame. Older students were more likely to seek forgiveness when the offense was high rather than low in severity, but younger students did not show this difference. Finally, according to the teachers rating, students overall prosocial behavior was positively correlated with forgiveness seeking (Riek, B. M., DeWit, C. C., 2018). Similar to this, study results reported that there was a robust relationship between a different aspect of disposition and life satisfacti on. The study used Heartland Forgiveness Scale (adapted by Kaleta, Mrz, and Guzewicz, 2016) and The Satisfaction with Life Scale by Diener et al. (SWLS, 1985) adapted by Juczy?„ski (2012). As the age advances, there was a positive correlation between forgiveness and life satisfaction. (Kaleta Mrz, 2018) In terms of self-forgiving reaction, a study by Cornish et al, (2001) showed that individual differences were associated with measures that confound self-forgiveness with other hedonic traits, that is, the ability to release negative emotion following failure. Cluster analysis was used to distinguish genuine self-forgiveness from simply letting oneself off the hook through self-exoneration. It revealed three patterns of responding to interpersonal offenses: self-forgiving (high responsibility and end-state self-forgiveness and low self-condemnation), self-condemning (high responsibility and self-condemnation and low end-state self-forgiveness), and self-exonerating (high end-state self-forgiveness and low responsibility and self-condemnation). When we seek a relationship between forgiveness and health promotion, a study by Toussaint et al. (2018) claimed that there is a strong association between them resulting in a good outcome. There was an inverse relationship between forgiveness and unproductivity, mental and physical health problem. Forgiveness is seen to be an effective coping mechanism for workplace offenses as it promotes good health, well-being, and productivity (Toussaint et al., 2018). The study conducted by Akhtar Barlow (2018) supported the findings of Toussaint. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of process-based forgiveness interventions were done across a different sample of adolescents and adults who have experienced hurt and violence against them. Randomized control trial was done to retrieve electronic database and standard mean differences and confidence interval was assessed to measure treatment effects. Forgiveness therapy was found effective in reducing depression, anger and hosti lity, stress and distress, and in promoting mental well-being (Akhtar, S., Barlow, J., 2018). Analyzing the relationship between forgiveness and mental health from a different angle, a study claimed that there was a significant association between poor mental health and depressive symptoms. The study included a total of 311 Korean teachers who were asked to complete self-report questionnaires of Forgivingness Scale, the Self-Compassion Scale, and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Multiple regression analysis revealed that self-compassion moderated the relationship between lack of forgiveness and depression; the relationship was stronger for those low on self-compassion (Chung, 2006)

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sentirse Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples

The verb sentirse is a reflexive verb that means to feel. It is used to talk about how someone feels psychologically or physically. For example, Me siento feliz (I feel happy) or Nos sentimos cansados (We feel tired). This verb can also be used as a non-reflexive verb, sentir, in which case it can have several different meanings. It can mean to feel or sense something, and sometimes it can even mean to taste or hear something. For example, Siento el viento en mi cara (I feel the wind on my face) or Siento sabor a chocolate en la bebida (I taste chocolate flavor in the beverage). Sentir can also mean to be sorry, as in the common expression lo siento (Im sorry) or Siento que hayamos llegado tarde (Im sorry that we arrived late). Sentirse Conjugation Since sentirse is most often used in its reflexive form, this article includes sentirse conjugations including the reflexive pronouns in the indicative mood (present, past, conditional, and future), the subjunctive mood (present and past), the imperative mood, and other verb forms. Notice that sentirse is a stem-changing verb. This means that in some conjugations, when the vowel of the stem is in a stressed syllable, the e changes to ie and sometimes i. For example, the present tense first person singular conjugation is me siento, and the preterite third person conjugation singular conjugation is se sintià ³. When conjugating sentirse, make sure to avoid confusion with the verb sentarse (to sit down), which has a very similar conjugation. Present Indicative When conjugating a reflexive verb, you must always include the reflexive pronoun before each conjugated verb. In the present tense, the stem change e to ie occurs in all the conjugations except nosotros and vosotros. Yo me siento Yo me siento feliz con mi familia. I feel happy with my family. Tà º te sientes Tà º te sientes cansada al final del dà ­a. You feel tired at the end of the day. Usted/à ©l/ella se siente Ella se siente triste por la mala noticia. She feels sad because of the bad news. Nosotros nos sentimos Nosotros nos sentimos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. We feel excited about the team's victory. Vosotros os sentà ­s Vosotros os sentà ­s enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. You feel sick after eating too much. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se sienten Ellos se sienten relajados en la playa. They feel relaxed at the beach. Preterite Indicative You can use the preterite tense to describe completed actions in the past. In the preterite, there is a stem change e to i only for the third person singular and plural conjugations. Yo me sentà ­ Yo me sentà ­ feliz con mi familia. I felt happy with my family. Tà º te sentiste Tà º te sentiste cansada al final del dà ­a. You felt tired at the end of the day. Usted/à ©l/ella se sintià ³ Ella se sintià ³ triste por la mala noticia. She felt sad because of the bad news. Nosotros nos sentimos Nosotros nos sentimos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. We felt excited about the team's victory. Vosotros os sentisteis Vosotros os sentisteis enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. You felt sick after eating too much. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se sintieron Ellos se sintieron relajados en la playa. They felt relaxed at the beach. Imperfect Indicative You can use the imperfect tense to describe actions in the past that were ongoing or repeated. It can be translated as was feeling or used to feel. There are no stem changes in the imperfect. Yo me sentà ­a Yo me sentà ­a feliz con mi familia. I used to feel happy with my family. Tà º te sentà ­as Tà º te sentà ­as cansada al final del dà ­a. You used to feel tired at the end of the day. Usted/à ©l/ella se sentà ­a Ella se sentà ­a triste por la mala noticia. She used to feel sad because of the bad news. Nosotros nos sentà ­amos Nosotros nos sentà ­amos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. We used to feel excited about the team's victory. Vosotros os sentà ­ais Vosotros os sentà ­ais enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. You used to feel sick after eating too much. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se sentà ­an Ellos se sentà ­an relajados en la playa. They used to feel relaxed at the beach. Future Indicative The future tense is conjugated with the infinitive form and the future tense endings (à ©, à ¡s, à ¡, emos, à ©is, à ¡n). There are no stem changes in the future tense, since the base for this conjugation is the complete infinitive, sentir. Yo me sentirà © Yo me sentirà © feliz con mi familia. I will feel happy with my family. Tà º te sentirà ¡s Tà º te sentirà ¡s cansada al final del dà ­a. You will feel tired at the end of the day. Usted/à ©l/ella se sentirà ¡ Ella se sentirà ¡triste por la mala noticia. She will feel sad because of the bad news. Nosotros nos sentiremos Nosotros nos sentiremos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. We will feel excited about the team's victory. Vosotros os sentirà ©is Vosotros os sentirà ©is enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. You will feel sick after eating too much. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se sentirà ¡n Ellos se sentirà ¡n relajados en la playa. They will feel relaxed at the beach. Periphrastic  Future Indicative   The periphrastic future tense consists of three components, the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive sentir. The reflexive pronoun should be placed before the conjugated verb ir (to go). Yo me voy a sentir Yo me voy a sentir feliz con mi familia. I am going to feel happy with my family. Tà º te vas a sentir Tà º te vasa sentir cansada al final del dà ­a. You aregoing to feel tired at the end of the day. Usted/à ©l/ella se va a sentir Ella se vaa sentir triste por la mala noticia. She isgoing to feel sad because of the bad news. Nosotros nos vamos a sentir Nosotros nos vamosa sentir emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. We aregoing to feel excited about the team's victory. Vosotros os vais a sentir Vosotros os vaisa sentir enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. You aregoing to feel sick after eating too much. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se van a sentir Ellos se vana sentir relajados en la playa. They aregoing to feel relaxed at the beach. Present Progressive/Gerund Form The gerund or present participle can be used as an adverb or to form progressive tenses like the present progressive. For reflexive verbs in progressive tenses there are two options for placing the reflexive pronoun: before the conjugated auxiliary verb estar, or attached to the end of the present participle. Notice that the gerund for sentir has the stem change e to i. Present Progressive ofSentirse se està ¡ sintiendo / està ¡ sintià ©ndose Ella se està ¡ sintiendo triste por la mala noticia. She is feeling sad because of the bad news. Past Participle The past participle can be used in perfect tenses like the present perfect. Note that the reflexive pronoun has to go before the conjugated auxiliary verb haber. Present Perfect of Sentirse se ha sentido Ella se ha sentido triste por la mala noticia. She has felt sad because of the bad news. Conditional Indicative The conditional tense is usually translated as would verb. Yo me sentirà ­a Yo me sentirà ­a feliz con mi familia si nos llevà ¡ramos bien. I would feel happy with my family if we got along. Tà º te sentirà ­as Tà º te sentirà ­as cansada al final del dà ­a si hicieras ejercicio. You would feel tired at the end of the day if you worked out. Usted/à ©l/ella se sentirà ­a Ella se sentirà ­atriste por la mala noticia, pero no tiene sentimientos. She would feel sad because of the bad news, but she has no feelings. Nosotros nos sentirà ­amos Nosotros nos sentirà ­amos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo si ganà ¡ramos. We would feel excited about the team's victory if we won. Vosotros os sentirà ­ais Vosotros os sentirà ­ais enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho, pero comisteis comida liviana. You would feel sick after eating too much, but you ate light food. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se sentirà ­an Ellos se sentirà ­an relajados en la playa si pudieran descansar. They would feel relaxed at the beach if they could rest. Present Subjunctive Notice that in the present subjunctive all the conjugations have a stem change. However, the nosotros and vosotros conjugations only change from e to i, while the rest change from e to ie. Que yo me sienta Mi padre espera que yo me sienta feliz con mi familia. My father hopes that I feel happy with my family. Que tà º te sientas El jefe espera que que tà º no te sientas cansada al final del dà ­a. The boss hopes that you do not feel tired at the end of the day. Que usted/à ©l/ella sesienta Eric espera que ella no se sienta triste por la mala noticia. Eric hopes that she doesn't feel sad because of the bad news. Que nosotros nos sintamos El entrenador sugiere que nosotros nos sintamos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. The coach suggests that we feel excited about the team's victory. Que vosotros os sintà ¡is Laura espera que vosotros no os sintà ¡is enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. Laura hopes that you don't feel sick after eating too much. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas sesientan David recomienda que ellas se sientan relajadas en la playa. David recommends that they feel relaxed at the beach. Imperfect Subjunctive You can conjugate the imperfect subjunctive in two different ways; both forms require the stem change e to i. Option 1 Que yo me sintiera Mi padre esperaba que yo me sintiera feliz con mi familia. My father hoped that I would feel happy with my family. Que tà º te sintieras El jefe esperaba que tà º no te sintieras cansada al final del dà ­a. The boss hoped that you did not feel tired at the end of the day. Que usted/à ©l/ella sesintiera Eric esperaba que ella no se sintiera triste por la mala noticia. Eric hoped that she didn't feel sad because of the bad news. Que nosotros nos sintià ©ramos El entrenador sugerà ­a que nosotros nos sintià ©ramos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. The coach suggested that we feel excited about the team's victory. Que vosotros os sintierais Laura esperaba que vosotros no os sintierais enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. Laura hoped that you didn't feel sick after eating too much. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas sesintieran David recomendaba que ellas se sintieran relajadas en la playa. David recommended that they feel relaxed at the beach. Option 2ï » ¿ Que yo me sintiese Mi padre esperaba que yo me sintiese feliz con mi familia. My father hoped that I would feel happy with my family. Que tà º te sintieses El jefe esperaba que que tà º no te sintieses cansada al final del dà ­a. The boss hoped that you did not feel tired at the end of the day. Que usted/à ©l/ella sesintiese Eric esperaba que ella no se sintiese triste por la mala noticia. Eric hoped that she didn't feel sad because of the bad news. Que nosotros nos sintià ©semos El entrenador sugerà ­a que nosotros nos sintià ©semos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo. The coach suggested that we feel excited about the team's victory. Que vosotros os sintieseis Laura esperaba que vosotros no os sintieseis enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho. Laura hoped that you didn't feel sick after eating too much. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas sesintiesen David recomendaba que ellas se sintiesen relajadas en la playa. David recommended that they feel relaxed at the beach. Sentirse Imperative To give direct orders or commands you can use the imperative mood. For reflexive verbs you must be careful where the pronoun is placed: in positive commands, it goes after the verb, while in negative commands, it goes before the verb. Positive Commands Tà º sià ©ntete  ¡Sià ©ntete cansado al final del dà ­a! Feel tired at the end of the day! Usted sià ©ntase  ¡Sià ©ntase triste por la mala noticia! Feel sad because of the bad news! Nosotros sintà ¡monos  ¡Sintà ¡monos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo! Let's feel excited about the team's victory! Vosotros sentidos  ¡Sentidos enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho! Feel sick after eating too much! Ustedes sià ©ntanse  ¡Sià ©ntanse relajados en la playa! Feel relaxed at the beach! Negative Commands Tà º no te sientas  ¡No te sientas cansado al final del dà ­a! Don't feel tired at the end of the day! Usted no se sienta  ¡No se sienta triste por la mala noticia! Don't feel sad because of the bad news! Nosotros no nos sintamos  ¡No nos sintamos emocionados por el triunfo del equipo! Let's not feel excited about the team's victory! Vosotros no os sintà ¡is  ¡No os sintà ¡is enfermos despuà ©s de comer mucho! Don't feel sick after eating too much! Ustedes no se sientan  ¡No se sientan relajados en la playa! Don't feel relaxed at the beach!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Vajrayana Buddhism - 744 Words

Vajrayana Buddhism The Vajrayana approach to Buddhism is just one of a number of Buddhist traditions, and all of the aspects of Buddhism are based on the enlightened teachings of Buddha. Vajrayana Buddhism is based on Tantra which relates to the teachings of Buddha. Vajrayana Buddhism is also known as Tantric Buddhism, based of course on the Tantra (enlighten teachings). According to the Introduction to Vajrayana ( HYPERLINK, vajra is the scepter that is held in the hands by a number of deities in India; vajra us used both in Buddhism and in Hinduism. Vajra connotes indestructibility according to HYPERLINK, and its use is based on the way to accomplish enlightenment. So when an individual seeking to understand Vajrayana Buddhism puts together the words yana and vajra and that person understands that vajra connotes indestructibility and that yana means the vehicle that can be used to transport something putting it all together the meaning becomes clear: Vajrayana is the  ¦indestructible vehicle for ferrying sentient beings from earth-bound places to the other shore of peace and happiness ( HYPERLINK The Vajrayana tradition first had widespread acceptance in Tibet, due to the fact that many Indian and Tibetan Buddhist masters moved it from India up into the high mountains of Tibet. Vajrayana is also embraced byShow MoreRelatedThe Vajra Of Vajrayana Buddhism1372 Words   |  6 PagesThe Vajra in Vajrayana Buddhism As Buddhism developed different schools or sects began to branch out taking the main component of Buddhist belief, called Dharma, but coming up with different ways to practice their own distinct view of Buddhism. 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Fast forward 1000 years or so when Buddhism began making its way into America when the railroad industry and other expanding industries began hiring Chinese immigrants as cheap labor. They established temples in their settlements along the rail lines. At about the same time, immigrants from Japan began to arrive as laborers on Hawaiian plantations and central-California farms. The most significant event of the 19th century in Buddhism was the World Parliaments of Religions (Smith).Read MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Mahayana And Two Major Branches Of Buddhism1281 Words   |  6 Pages In Buddhism, the two major branches are the Theravada and Mahayana. Theravada is known as the â€Å"tradition of the elders.† Mahayana is called the â€Å"large vehicle.† Mahayana Buddhist came about after the first Buddhist council split. The second Buddhist council began a hundred years after the death of the Buddha. The councils came together to discuss the differences in bu ddha orders in which some Monks believed. They talked about the true meaning behind the Buddha teachings and certain practices. MonksRead MoreBuddhism Is A Religion And Philosophy Essay2054 Words   |  9 PagesBuddhism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. It is the oldest and fourth largest religion in the world with around 500 million followers. Buddhism focuses on teaching people how to come to terms with and end the suffering of themselves and others by cutting out greed, hatred, and ignorance from their lives. Unlike most major world religions, Buddhism does not revolve around worshiping a god or divine creator, instead the focus of Buddhism is living one s best

Researching Trojan Attacks for Network Security- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theResearching Trojan Attacks for Network Security. Answer: Introduction The purpose of making this report is to emphasize on essential topic of network security. Nowadays, all people are connected through network solutions with each other. From communication to sharing of content everything is done on internet and hefty amount of information is transferred in this process. Networking has become a proficient way to connect with people worldwide for business and other purposes. There are several benefits of using network connections but there are also some security concerns connected with its usage. The main concerns related to network security includes virus attacks like malware, hacking, phishing and other vulnerable attempts by cyber-criminals. Here in this report, I will discuss about Trojan attacks which is considered highly favored means of attacks. Discussion The main reason to conduct this research on Trojan attacks is that this threat has modelled a serious threat to network users. Trojan horse is a type of malware which is very much vulnerable for users and cause damage of information that is stored into network database and also migrate over networks (, 2017). The different variety of Trojan viruses are available on internet landscape and it performs variety of tasks. Some Trojan attacks are programmed to take full control of users of computer, to obtain confidential information and to insert more malware on victims computer. The current and famous Trojans are Backdoor Trojan, Downloader Trojan, Remote Access Trojan and DDoS Attack Trojan. Every type of Trojan is harmful and hard to control. In upcoming paragraphs I will discuss about these latest Trojan Attacks in detail. Latest Trojan Attacks and their Type of Damage Following are some latest Trojan attacks that must be in knowledge of computer users: Backdoor Trojan Downloader Trojan Remote Access Trojan (RAT) DDoS Attack Trojan Infostealer Trojan Backdoor Trojan This type of Trojan has potential to create a backdoor on users of computers. This backdoor enables a hacker to access to the system to control it, to steel data and download more malware on that system (, 2017). A computer that has installed backdoor Trojan that is also known as Zombie and Bot. With the help of this Backdoor Trojan, attackers can terminate tasks and processes, change settings of computer, download miscellaneous files and upload files and other content of a computer (Dimitrova, 2017). Moreover, today it is also possible that with the help of back door various criminal activities can be performed to earn money. In this earning process different schemes like pay per install, distribution of spam emails and harvesting of confidential information of users are implementing and high revenue is generated (, 2017). Downloader Trojan It is also a current type of Trojan. The key purpose of this Trojan is to download additional content onto the infected computer and this additional content involves additional pieces of malware. It is very malicious and download into computers with some dishonest means such as with an attachment of emails or images that are downloadable for customers and spread virus into whole system. This type of Trojans can easily installed into computer system without any kind of user interaction and exploits whole security of computer without knowledge of users. It is also a most vulnerable type of Trojan and highly prefer to use by professional hackers. Remote Access Trojan Through this Trojan, full control of computer system can be provided to attackers. Remote Access Trojan is commonly known as RAT. It is basically a malware program that consists of a backdoor to get admin control over whole system. Mostly RAT is downloaded unnoticeably with a user-requested program and this program can be a game or an email attachment. By getting access on host system with the help of RAT, virus can be spread into other connected systems easily. The main operations that can be done attackers after getting access on system with RAT include proper monitoring of behavior of users by using keyloggers and other spyware, access of confidential information such as social security numbers and personal information of users and it also activate webcam and recording video of system. Furthermore, it is also possible that by using remote access Trojan attackers can also take screenshots, format drives and can distribute viruses and malware. So these are very bad impacts and damag es of remote access Trojan. Another important thing about RAT is that it is very difficult to detect and even it does not appear in list of running tasks in a computer systems. Therefore, without any intimation of users RAT attack is implemented by attackers. Distributed Denial of Service Attack Trojan This type of Trojan is commonly known as DDoS and it also causes so much harmful impacts. DDoS Trojan is basically designed to take down a network and it is done by flooded it with traffic. A third party server is seized by DDoS Trojan and problem of network congestion increased. Due to this problem, server stops to give response. There is no availability of appropriate solution for resolving this problem and not even rebooting of server can stop the attack. But one option to stop this attack is to halt the hack tool program. If DDoS Trojan is installed into a computer system then it will restrict system to connect with network and user cannot open a single website. Infostealer Trojan The main objective of this Trojan is to snip data from infected computers. The main confidential knowledge is collected by infostealer Trojan and it is sent to the predetermined location. The collected information can be financial, personal or can be related to compromised computer. But it is mostly seen that combination of this whole information is hacked by this Trojan. Once information regarding login credentials, financial information and other information regarding particular websites is gathered by infostealer Trojan then it is sold in black market by attackers. This is the most vulnerable impact of this type of Trojan. Now on the behalf of above discussion, it is cleared that latest Trojans are very much vulnerable and it is necessary to control them by using available tools and techniques. Now in next segment of this report, I will discuss about most vulnerable platforms of Trojan (Malwarebytes Labs, 2017). Most Vulnerable Platforms of Trojans Trojans and other types of malware have become big problems for all compute users. This harmful program has potential to attack on a whole system and damage it (, 2017). There are different types of platforms that are targeted by Trojans but MS-DOS and Windows are very much common among them (Protalinski, 2017). According to analysis, it is found that for Trojans and other types of viruses have one aimed platform to damage and to make it vulnerable for computer users and that is MS-DOS and Windows 95 which is successor of DOS platform. The main reason of this is popularity of Windows and DOS among people worldwide. Moreover, large amount of software solutions are based on DOS platform that is why it can be used for wide distribution of Trojan attack on systems. Besides this, it is also found that DOS and Windows are less secured as compared to Macintosh and Linux. These both platforms are very much vulnerable for Trojans and viruses. That is why most of the Trojan attacke rs can easily obtain data from systems or software solutions that are based on conventional platforms like DOS. In this case, it is responsibility of developers to be very careful while developing applications and software solutions on base of both DOS and Windows (Engelfriet, 2017). After knowing about vulnerable platforms where Trojans can easily put its bad influence to large extent, now in next segment of this report I will discuss about methods that can be used to get prevention against Trojans (Server Intellect, 2017). Prevention Techniques for Trojans The above discussed currently used Trojans and their damages are required to control as quickly as possible. In this situation, there is no doubt to say that bad impact of Trojan can be controlled to some extent by using some tools and techniques that are developed by developers. These techniques are known as prevention techniques and these are listed as below (, 2017): Use of Anti-Virus Software Never do Computer Startup with Floppy Disk Monitor Downloaded Programs at Regular Basis Do not Unknown Email Attachments Take Regular Backup of Confidential System Files Use of Anti-Virus Software Anti-virus software solution is one of the essential techniques of prevention. This software must be installed into system of every user and the configuration of anti-virus is very easy. The main purpose of anti-virus is to detect Trojan or other viruses from users systems and give alert message to user (Trusteer, 2017). It is done by raising a flag by anti-virus at detection of any unknown harmful entity. Whenever, user gets any indication like this then he should immediately remove that entity from system. Moreover, with detection anti-virus can also fix the malware (SearchSecurity, 2017). Never do Computer Startup with Floppy Disk Another way to get prevention from Trojan is that never use floppy disk for computer startup in drive A because infection rate of floppy disk with virus and Trojans is high (Manes, 2017). Therefore, if a user wants to use floppy disk then he or she has to make uninfected recovery disk. Otherwise, Trojan infected floppy disk has potential to raise boot-sector virus at time of computer startup. The main reason behind the most of the Trojans and virus attacks is innocence of users that they do not carefully checks unknown or absurd entities that are entering into their systems (, 2017). Monitor Downloaded Programs at Regular Basis A computer user downloads several things from internet such as documents, images, audio and videos etc. But before download these programs into system, its monitoring is necessary to identify Trojans, viruses and worms in it. Trojans are attached with these materials by hackers in hidden form so that users could not find that. In this case, only virus detectors or spyware can be used for detection purpose. It is an appropriate way to restrict viruses to enter into system (, 2017). Dont Open Unknown Email Attachments It is commonly observed that several emails are received at daily basis by computer users that are connected with internet and they have accounts on social sites. Some emails are spam and fake that must be deleted by users in one shot. Basically what hackers do? They send harmful Trojan scripts in form attachments via emails to users from unknown email addresses. When these emails are opened by users then harmful scripts are executed and entered into users systems and it is difficult for users to know that what is happening with their systems. In this way, Trojans attack in invisible way on the computer systems. This can be restricted if users will immediately delete unknown emails without reading them (, 2017). Take Regular Backup of Confidential System Files The regular backup of systems files and other important files is considered to be most helpful option to get prevention from virus and Trojan attacks as I have discussed in this report. This backup can be used to recover important files of system and database can also be recovered. These are some key techniques that must be implemented both at users and developers level to control the vulnerable Trojan attack at some level. This small level protection can stop a bad entity to enter into system or networks. Conclusion To sum up, I can say that Trojans and its damages for computer systems and networks is a critical and serious topic to discuss. Through this report, I have tried to provide appropriate information regarding current Trojans and their way of affecting people. This information must be taken into consideration seriously by users and developers, otherwise heavy loss of information can occur. As discussed above, by using some important techniques Trojans and other virus attacks can be controlled. So those techniques should be used. Furthermore, users should obtain information from internet and other sources to tackle vulnerable virus attacks, their affects and remedies. Whether there are several new versions of Trojans are introduced by hackers but on other prevention procedures are also developed. References (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. (2017). Virus, Worm and Trojan Preventation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. (2017). Tips for preventing VIRUS, WORM and TROJAN HORSE infections by Bob J. Valkovski. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. Protalinski, E. (2017). Cross-platform Trojan attacks Windows, Intel Macs, Linux | ZDNet. [online] ZDNet. Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. 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